And with that, New Game+ is complete across all 3 books, adding new events, new questlines, more enemies, and bringing the technical improvements added to the e...
This is a small hotfix to Book 2 NG+: it fixes the Achievement UI (which was previously broken), adds support for Spankbank (which auto-saves at the start of an...
While finishing up Morningstar: Book of the Fallen I've also been tinkering with New Game+ for Book 2 (Book 1's NG+ update is already complete). There are 4 mai...
One of the key inspiration for Love of Magic was always the Persona series of RPGs. The core game loop of a calendar with advances automatically (mixing fixed e...
One of the main influences for Love of Magic was of course Persona 4 and 5. I loved the way it combines a sandbox with a constantly progressing calendar, the th...
I just finished Act XVI: Eternal Summer, and with that... The Love of Magic trilogy is complete. It's almost exactly 4 years since I started it, and only slight...