Updated build: 0.5.7b

I've spent the last week resolving issues from 0.5.4b, some very simple (like the typos), others much more involved. 0.5.7b is a bug-fix update, rather than a story-centric one. It also adds in two new events with Val, and a new book.

Here's the full changelog since 0.5.4b

- Fixed a bug where IsEmptyConversation could cause a null pointer exception
- Fixed a bug where Katie doesn't update her clothes day 76
- Added in a new Book (Threads of Love). Trigger it from Elsewhere Shrine after you have finished the Art of War
- Fixed Video not playing in loading screen

- Molly was draining HP from player if her ability was triggered
- Emily had space for 3 images in Lingerie II email, only 2 were provided
- Chosen outing to Elsewhere wasn't gated correctly, and could only be run once
- Typo pass

- Automated builder for calender + conversation data
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to end the first fight before it started
- Fixed a bug where, if you let the video play out on day 1, Chloe won't show up for several sentences
- Player was stuck in his room when triggering Game+ for ActV - Added support for a pure Chosen allied Elsewhere run. Added a new Rest event in Elsewhere for when you do.
- Val could show up twice in one night, and during the day-time in subsequent runs
- Fixed videos not transitioning cleanly into board combat
- Fixed some cases where characters were overlapping
- Zenia, Kulbir, Soldier was missing their names in the log
- Molly's emails weren't correctly unlocking
- Molly's failsafe wasn't correctly unlocking

- Typo pass
- Fixed missing images in Molly's email / shopping for her dress
- Fixed android build pipeline
- Fixed localization issue for Month names
- Chloe was unlock basement day 2
- Added the option for bordered fonts
- Added a fix for Play From Day advancing past morning (will only affect future saves)
- New Val event (night day 85+ at the crowley)


love_of_magic_0_5_7b.apk 1.6 GB
Aug 08, 2020
love_of_magic_0_5_7b_linux.zip 2.5 GB
Aug 08, 2020
love_of_magic_0_5_7b_osx.zip 2.5 GB
Aug 08, 2020
love_of_magic_0_5_7b_win64.zip 2.5 GB
Aug 08, 2020
love_of_magic_0_5_7b_win32.zip 2.5 GB
Aug 08, 2020
changelog.txt 46 kB
Aug 08, 2020

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