Act X: The Destroyer of Hope

Book 2 rolls onwards, with Act X adding another ~2 hours worth of content across two different paths. The War is turning darker, and MC needs to start  counting the cost of his actions, and what he's willing to pay to achieve his goals.

Apart from that, this is an act  where I played with a number of new ideas. I spent time recreating large scale terrains in Blender, using them for various  cutscenes, I implemented a split  path choice with slightly different repercussions and a lot of dialog options, and I experimented with an alternative narrator, which I had a lot of fun with. More than anything, this is Katie's Act, and she's a *lot* of fun to write. Intelligent, moody, dark and introspective she takes to the role of  lead character as if born for it.

Hope you enjoy it. Next up is Act X+, which will be centered on Elsewhere. I'll be improving/rewriting the strategy game, adding more enemies for Poker, finishing up Draco's Book 2 content and finishing the Snowdrop Scouts questline. 

After that I'll be back to the main story, with the final Act of Book 2, Act XI: Black Sun.

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