The Queen of Air & Darkness

I did a little vis dev exercise for Mab, testing out her battle outfit, and playing with colors. You can read more about the full process at this free Patreon post.

The workflow was DAZ->AE, with notable plugins used being Saber and Particular. 

The initial image was done in DAZ, with a variety of light sources. 

  • There's a rim light above and behind her,
  • There's a big and very bright blue ghost light position directly behind her. I disabled HDRI lighting in this scene, so the only light sources are explicit ones. You see the effect of that on her legs, the side of the paldron and as a general rim effect
  • Her eyes have an emissive material applied, causing them to glow, and light up the parts of her face, especially the eyes/nose/cheek area
  • There's also a spotlight lighting up her face, roughly from the point of her left hand; this let me get more light to her face from the leftmost magic ball
  • The two magic spheres are just ghost lights (purple and orange, respectively). They're invisible in DAZ, though they'll show up in AE

Once that was done rendering I took it to After Effects;

  • Background is one of the shots from the game, Blasted hills, used in Act VII ending
  • Stock 4K fog asset on top of that
  • Then the main character
  • Eyes glow from using the Saber plugin, which I use for a lot of my magic
  • The magic balls are both done using Particular, another common visitor to Love of Magic's cutscenes.

Finally I made all the layers 3D, set up 3 distinct Z planes (bg, fog, character) and animated a camera in a look to get a parallax shift.

All in all about an hour's work, though most of that was tweaking and testing ideas. 

Love of Magic is currently on Halloween sale at 33% off; I hope you all enjoy it.

Files 4.9 GB
Version 5 Oct 26, 2022 4.9 GB
Version 5 Oct 26, 2022 4.9 GB
Version 4 Oct 26, 2022 9.3 GB
Version 2 Oct 26, 2022

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Have it on Steam, and it's quite simply, my favourite AVN! In fact, make a version with the sex taken out (but romance and kissing left in), and I think you would sell millions, as the story is fantastic!

