Act XIV+: Steamy Days in Edinburgh

I alternate story sequences and world expansion events (Act+ updates); this update to Book 3 is a World Expansion event, focused on Edinburgh.

I didn't actually *intend* to make this a super sexy update, but it seems to have accidentally happened anyways. Molly shows a fascination for shoes, triggering her Shoe Fetish sequence after Jenny's Shibari sequence.

Buying Emily's lingerie also opens up a new questline with Chloe, and a sexy scene to go with that. I've got to say, Kath is rocking that outfit.

Nobody's more surprised than me that I got inspired to make a new Sarah scene; there's no sexual content, but a little more backstory on everyone's favorite sex-ed teacher.

The capstone of this update is a big new replayable sex scene with Akane (again, triggered by buying her an outfit). Originally planned to be a short sex scene, I got inspired by how she looks in that outfit, and it... escalated from there. It also spilled over into a small update to her dining room scene (when you order sushi from her, you can now also request she wear the lingerie for you).

There's also a new book to read, and old friends to meet up with in the Crowley at night.

Files 4.9 GB
Version 8 Feb 22, 2023 4.9 GB
Version 8 Feb 22, 2023 4.9 GB
Version 7 Feb 22, 2023 9.3 GB
Version 5 Feb 22, 2023

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